Newsroom - Page 22
NEWTON DAILY NEWS: DMACC, ICAN partnering to help promote post-high school options for students
QUAD CITY TIMES: College fair gives students a chance to 'shop' colleges
NEWTON DAILY NEWS: DMACC Career and College Planning Night
Career & College Planning Seminar Offered Oct. 6
Students and Parents Encouraged to Create a Plan for Life After High School ORANGE CITY, IOWA (Oct. 2, 2014) — High school sophomores, juniors and their parents can learn about planning for career and college during a free seminar at Iowa College Access Network’s Student Success Center in the Orange...
Read More about Career & College Planning Seminar Offered Oct. 6
DAILY NONPAREIL: Student look at post high school options
Career & College Planning Seminar Offered Sept. 24
Students and Parents Encouraged to Create a Plan for Life After High School WATERLOO, IOWA (Sept. 22, 2014) — High school sophomores, juniors and their parents can learn about planning for career and college during a free seminar at Iowa College Access Network’s Student Success Center in the Waterloo. Both...
Read More about Career & College Planning Seminar Offered Sept. 24