Need Financial Aid? Schedule a FAFSA session with an ICAN advisor. ICAN is now accepting appointments for AFTER December 1 to help the Class of 2025, and current college students, complete the FAFSA form. Schedule an advising session today for assistance. We are here to help. Schedule Now.
Diversity of Choices Available to Students at Golden Circle College Fair ANKENY, IOWA – September 18, 2014 – The Golden Circle College Fair is being held next weekend in Des Moines and will showcase nearly 140 colleges, universities and career resources, creating an opportunity for those planning for college within...
Students and Parents Encouraged to Create a Plan for Life After High School HIAWATHA, IOWA (Sept. 5, 2014) — High school sophomores, juniors and their parents can learn about planning for career and college during a free seminar at Iowa College Access Network’s Student Success Center in the Hiawatha. Both...
CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA (August 18, 2014) — The Iowa College Access Network (ICAN), a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing career and college readiness among Iowans, recently welcomed two new members to its board of directors. Joining the Board of Directors are Tracie Pavon and Dr. Pradeep Kotamraju. “Both of...
COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA (July 28, 2014) — ICAN is proud to announce and welcome Steve Irvin as the Student Success Advisor for the Southwest ICAN Student Success Center in Council Bluffs. Irvin will be responsible for 14 counties, 48 high schools and more than 13,000 students in Southwest Iowa. "I...
ICAN Awarded Grant for College Access Initiative Iowa County Community Foundation Supports Career and College Readiness CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA (July 1, 2014) — The Iowa College Access Network (ICAN) is pleased to announce it has received a grant from the Iowa County Community Foundation to support college and career readiness...
Community Foundations Show Support for Iowa Students HIAWATHA, IOWA (May 26, 2014) — The Iowa College Access Network (ICAN) is pleased to announce it has received grants from the community foundations of Butler County, Chickasaw County, Delaware County, Franklin County, Kossuth County, Pottawattamie County, Tama County and Van Buren County...
FAFSA Completion Determined a Key Step to College Success HIAWATHA, IOWA (May 14, 2014) — The Iowa College Access Network (ICAN) provided comprehensive one-on-one assistance to more than 17,000 Iowa students and parents this financial aid season, completing more than 7,700 FAFSA applications and helping current and prospective college students...
Van Buren County Community Foundation Supports Career and College Readiness OTTUMWA, IOWA (May 1, 2014) — The Iowa College Access Network (ICAN) is pleased to announce it has received a grant from the Van Buren County Community Foundation to support college and career readiness programming as part of its Iowa...