Need Financial Aid? Schedule a FAFSA session with an ICAN advisor. ICAN is now accepting appointments for AFTER December 1 to help the Class of 2025, and current college students, complete the FAFSA form. Schedule an advising session today for assistance. We are here to help. Schedule Now.
Black Hawk County Community Foundation Supports Career and College Readiness WATERLOO, IOWA (June 30, 2017) — The Iowa College Access Network (ICAN) is pleased to announce it has received a grant from the Black Hawk County Community Foundation to support college and career readiness programming as part of its Future...
Winnebago County Community Foundation Supports Career and College Readiness WATERLOO, IOWA (June 29, 2017) — The Iowa College Access Network (ICAN) is pleased to announce it has received a grant from the Winnebago County Community Foundation to support college and career readiness programming as part of its Winnebago County College...
Boone County Endowment Fund Supports Career and College Readiness ANKENY, IOWA (May 1, 2017) — The Iowa College Access Network (ICAN) is pleased to announce it has received a grant from the Boone County Endowment Fund to support college and career readiness programming as part of its College Readiness –...
ICAN Awarded Grant for College Access Initiative O’Brien County Community Foundation Supports Career and College Readiness ORANGE CITY, IOWA (April 20, 2017) — The Iowa College Access Network (ICAN) is pleased to announce it has received a grant from the O’Brien County Community Foundation to support college and career readiness...
Humbodlt County Community Foundation Supports Career and College Readiness ANKENY, IOWA (April 1, 2017) — The Iowa College Access Network (ICAN) is pleased to announce it has received a grant from the Humboldt County Community Foundation to support college and career readiness programming as part of its Humboldt County Career...