Freshmen Transitions-North High School, Davenport
September 7, 2022, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (US Central)
Transitioning from middle school to high school is a big step for families, and the first step for students in creating future opportunities. Freshman year begins the journey of post-high school success. The courses, activities, and decisions made in this first year matter regardless of your plans for after high school.
Freshman Transitions is designed as an orientation or welcome to high school and covers important topics including:
· Career Assessment and Exploration
· Course Selection based on Career & College Outlook
· Options: Apprenticeship, Military, Training, and Types of College Degrees
· Financing Education: Cost of Education & Training Projections and Savings Options
· Money Management Basics
· A Parent's Role
Intended Audience: 8th graders, high school freshmen, parents