How to Pay for College: Understanding Financial Aid
April 8, 2021, 6:30 PM (US Central)
Intended Audience: High school juniors, parents
(The FAFSA is available October 1 each year. 12th grade students and parents should attend a financial aid seminar as juniors, or early in their senior year)
The financial aid process can be daunting. From completing the application to understanding award letters, developing a plan to pay for college is one of the most important steps in the college process. This program covers:
- Financial Aid Process
- FAFSA Application Review
- Understanding the Results of the Application
- Understanding Costs - College Comparisons
- Aid Options
- Scholarship Process
- Where to Go For Help
This is currently scheduled as an in-person event. This event may be changed to virtual if COVID-19 numbers require it at the time of the event. Contact the school counselor or check back here for updates.