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I Can Succeed

Need Financial Aid? Schedule a FAFSA session with an ICAN advisor.
ICAN is now accepting appointments to help the Class of 2025, and current college students, complete the FAFSA form. Schedule an advising session today for assistance. We are here to help. Schedule Now.


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Special Events & Programs

ICAN brings national college access programs and campaigns to Iowa and develops new programs to further its college access mission.

Current Initiatives Include:

ICR Future Career & College Fair

The ICR Future Career and College Fair is held annually in March and is the second largest career and college fair in Iowa. Traditionally held in Cedar Rapids, the ICR Future Fair aims to gather colleges and universities from across the United States, and offer Eastern Iowa families a chance to explore future opportunities for both career and college in one day. The fair focuses on the importance of career exploration through the linking of career assessments and pathways with area businesses representing the six Career Clusters. Students can learn about the pathways and clusters that fit their personality, explore career options with potential employers, learn about the education and training needed to succeed, and then step into the Education and Training exhibit hall to speak with colleges, apprenticeship programs, and military representatives. The fair also features breakout sessions on career exploration and training, college planning, job outlook, and more. This one stop event will enable students to Find Their Future. For more information  visit

Golden Circle College & Career Fair

The Golden Circle College Fair is the largest college fair in Iowa. The fair is an annual favorite as it draws in colleges and universities from across the United States, and offers Iowa families a chance to explore nearly 120 college and career options in one day. In addition to institutions of higher education, business and industry leaders are invited to represent each of the 16 Career Clusters, offering insight and advice on different career paths. The fair also features breakout sessions on job outlooks in Iowa, employer expectations, college selection, and the financial aid process. The fair is held annually the last Sunday in September or the first Sunday in October depending on the calendar. For more information visit

FAFSA Ready Iowa

ICAN is proud to be lead the FAFSA Ready Iowa Initiative, which aims to increase FAFSA Completion in Iowa to 70% among high school seniors.
The initiative was launched in September 2016. As part of the initiative, ICAN coordinates FAFSA completion events in which trained volunteers provide free, on-site assistance to students and families in filing the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). The FAFSA is the federally required form for students seeking financial aid for college. Completing the FAFSA is the first and most important step in qualifying for aid. FAFSA Ready Iowa is an Iowa College Goal Sunday program. Click here to learn more about FAFSA Ready Iowa.

ICAN Financial Aid Certification Training

To assist counselors, access professionals, and community members in helping students complete the FAFSA, ICAN provides a comprehensive financial aid certification and training program. Learn more about the training program.

ICAN Career and College Readiness Curriculum - Grades 9-12

With nearly 70% of available employment requiring education and training beyond high school, building a college-going culture is a vital part of the school counselor role. The ICAN Career and College Readiness Curriculum and Training Program contains 24 lessons designed for grades 9-12 that touch on the key aspects of Career and College Readiness. From academic preparation, career exploration, and college planning, to financial literacy including all the budgets and financial components of how to pay for post-secondary education and training this curriculum covers it.

Learn more about this program and how to incorporate it in your building.

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