Certified FAFSA Professionals
The following professionals have completed the ICAN Financial Aid Certification training FAFSA: A Scenario-Based Training and are ICAN certified to provide FREE assistance in filing the FAFSA form.
City | Organization | Name | |
Algona | Algona High School | Noel McLaughlin | nmclaughlin@algona.k12.ia.us |
Altoona | Iowa State University | Carolyn Steckelberg | steckelb@iastate.edu |
Altoona | Great Western Bank, Altoona | Ashley Gumm | ashley.gumm@greatwesternbank.com |
Ames | Vision Bank | Malissa Anderson | malissaa@visionbank.com |
Ames | Vision Bank | Delaney Tonsfeldt | delaneyt@visionbank.com |
Ames | Story County College Access Network | Liping Jin | jinliping@hotmail.com |
Ames | Story County College Access Network | Shelli Seibert | skseibert@burkecorp.com |
Ames | Story County College Access Network | Mary Wilkins | mwilkins@iastate.edu |
Ames | Story County College Access Network | Lee Chhen Stewart | storyccan2019@gmail.com |
Ames | Iowa State University | Tiffany Wood | tmwood@iastate.edu |
Ames | Iowa State University | Kayli Burnside | keburns@iastate.edu |
Ames | Iowa State University | Emily Dougill | edougill@iastate.edu |
Ames | Iowa State University | Alisha Carroll | carrolla@iastate.edu |
Ames | Iowa State University | Jennifer Schroeder | jschroed@iastate.edu |
Ames | Iowa State University | Alia Jamison | jamison@iastate.edu |
Ames | Iowa State University | Tim Hauber | tfhauber@iastate.edu |
Ames | Iowa State University | Clare Andresen | clarea@iastate.edu |
Ames | Iowa State University | Abby Welborn | awelborn@iastate.edu |
Ames | Iowa State University | Paula Plath | pkplath@iastate.edu |
Ames | Iowa State University | Nick Zika | nrzika@iastate.edu |
Ames | Iowa State University | Wendy Robinder | wendyr@iastate.edu |
Ames | Iowa State University | Samantha Secor | ssecor@iastate.edu |
Ames | Iowa State University | Erin Nelson | emnelson@iastate.edu |
Ames | Iowa State University | Chad Olson | chado@iastate.edu |
Ames | Iowa State University | Crystal Rexius | crrexius@iastate.edu |
Ames | Iowa State University | Seth Miller | sbmiller@iastate.edu |
Ames | Iowa State University | Reginald Stewart | rstewart@iastate.edu |
Ames | Education Talent Search, TRiO | Val Alameda | valameda@iastate.edu |
Ames | Des Moines Area Community College | Tracy Edwards | taedwards3@dmacc.edu |
Ames | Ames Middle School | Amanda Wright | amanda.wright@ames.k12.ia.us |
Ankeny | Witt Family Fund | Mary Lasky | wittierone@hotmail.com |
Ankeny | Faith Baptist Bible College & Theological Seminary | Alice Bunjer | bunjera@faith.edu |
Ankeny | Faith Baptist Bible College & Theological Seminary | Willy Felderman | feldermanw@faith.edu |
Ankeny | Faith Baptist Bible College & Theological Seminary | Lyndi Felderman | feldermanl@faith.edu |
Ankeny | Faith Baptist Bible College & Theological Seminary | Dana Blomberg | blombergd@faith.edu |
Ankeny | Des Moines Area Community College | Alyssa Ploeger | arploeger1@dmacc.edu |
Ankeny | Des Moines Area Community College | Vanessa Hilst Robles | vjhilstrobles@dmacc.edu |
Ankeny | Des Moines Area Community College | Matt Schneiderman | mjschneiderman@dmacc.edu |
Ankeny | Des Moines Area Community College | Berenice Real Rodriguez | blrealrodriguez@dmacc.edu |
Ankeny | Des Moines Area Community College | Sweenersoe Thako | sthako@dmacc.edu |
Ankeny | Des Moines Area Community College | Christy Schettler | clschettler@dmacc.edu |
Ankeny | Des Moines Area Community College | Travis Hanson-Pollock | tkhansonpollock@dmacc.edu |
Ankeny | Des Moines Area Community College | Denise Boring | dmboring@dmacc.edu |
Ankeny | Des Moines Area Community College | Natalie Coulson-Larmore | nscoulson@dmacc.edu |
Ankeny | Des Moines Area Community College | Katie Johnson | kljohnson11@dmacc.edu |
Ankeny | Des Moines Area Community College | Shelley Stoppel | slstoppel@dmacc.edu |
Ankeny | Des Moines Area Community College | Katie Smith | ksmith108@dmacc.edu |
Ankeny | Des Moines Area Community College | Sarah Rowat | sfrowat@dmacc.edu |
Ankeny | Des Moines Area Community College | Drea Iseminger | aliseminger1@dmacc.edu |
Ankeny | Des Moines Area Community College | Maggie Steinkamp | msteinkamp1@dmacc.edu |
Ankeny | Des Moines Area Community College | Lily Schwarz | lilyclschwarz@gmail.com |
Ankeny | College Connectors | Diane Hawkins | diana@collegeconnectors.com |
Arlington | Starmont High School | Angela Bergan | abergan@starmont.k12.ia.us |
Atlantic | Atlantic High School | Sarah Rose | srose@atlanticiaschools.org |
Audubon | Audubon High School | Courtney Walter | cwalter@audubon.k12.ia.us |
Bellevue | Bellevue University | Caitlyn Rueth | carueth@bellevue.edu |
Belmond | Belmond-Klemme Jr-Sr High School | Socorro Martinez | socorro.martinez@bkcsd.org |
Bettendorf | Scott Community College | Kelsey King | kking@eicc.edu |
Bettendorf | Scott Community College | Carrie Butler | cbutler@eicc.edu |
Bettendorf | Scott Community College | Kayleigh Schultz | kkschultz@eicc.edu |
Bettendorf | Scott Community College | Janice Brattvet | jabrattvet@eicc.edu |
Bettendorf | Scott Community College | Heather Lillibridge | halillibridge@eicc.edu |
Bettendorf | Scott Community College | David Carson | djcarson@eicc.edu |
Bettendorf | Scott Community College | Patricia Daugherty | pedaugherty@eicc.edu |
Bettendorf | Scott Community College | Wayne Cole | wcole@eicc.edu |
Bettendorf | Scott Community College | Angela Thomas | aethomas@eicc.edu |
Bettendorf | Scott Community College | Kristen Stradt | kstradt@eicc.edu |
Bettendorf | Scott Community College | Kathleen Kiger | kkiger@eicc.edu |
Bettendorf | Bettendorf High School | Haleigh Hoyt | hhoyt@bettendorf.k12.ia.us |
Blanchard | Individual Supporter | John Davis | johnd32@hotmail.com |
Bloomfield | Davis County Community High School | Marla Wilfawn | marla.wilfawn@dcmustangs.com |
Boone | Des Moines Area Community College | Joanne Riley | jriley9@dmacc.edu |
Boone | Boone High School | Megan McIntyre | mmcintyre@boone.k12.ia.us |
Boone | Boone High School | Lindsey Hyman | lhyman@boone.k12.ia.us |
Boone | Boone High School | Brian Bloem | bbloem@boone.k12.ia.us |
Boone | Boone High School | Emily Nelson | enelson@boone.k12.ia.us |
Boone | Boone High School | Kristina Greenfield | kgreenfield@boone.k12.ia.us |
Calmar | Northeast Iowa Community College (Calmar) | Nikki Atnip | atnipn@nicc.edu |
Calmar | Northeast Iowa Community College (Calmar) | Theresa Laughead | laugheadt@nicc.edu |
Calmar | Northeast Iowa Community College (Calmar) | Wendy Stahr | stahrw@nicc.edu |
Calmar | Northeast Iowa Community College (Calmar) | Jordan O'Connell | oconnellj@nicc.edu |
Calmar | Northeast Iowa Community College (Calmar) | Randy Mashek | mashekr@nicc.edu |
Calmar | Northeast Iowa Community College (Calmar) | Lesley Buse | busel@nicc.edu |
Carroll | Kuemper Catholic High School | Bailey Hackathorn | bjhackathorn@kuemper.org |
Carroll | Carroll High School | Dennis McCartan | dmccartan@carrolltigers.org |
Carroll | Carroll High School | Kristi Shanks | kshanks@carrolltigers.org |
Cedar Falls | University of Northern Iowa | Heidi Patterson | heidi.patterson@uni.edu |
Cedar Falls | University of Northern Iowa | Jonathan cox | jon.cox@uni.edu |
Cedar Falls | University of Northern Iowa | Marcy Gosse | marcy.gosse@uni.edu |
Cedar Falls | University of Northern Iowa | Andrea Krafta | andrea.krafka@uni.edu |
Cedar Falls | University of Northern Iowa | Jennifer Sullivan | jennifer.sullivan@uni.edu |
Cedar Falls | University of Northern Iowa | Brianne Camacho | brianne.camacho@uni.edu |
Cedar Falls | University of Northern Iowa | Avery Johnson | avery.johnson@uni.edu |
Cedar Falls | University of Northern Iowa | Derris Hawkins-Smith | derris.hawkins-smith@uni.edu |
Cedar Falls | University of Northern Iowa | Joellen Hatchett | joellen.hatchett@uni.edu |
Cedar Falls | University of Northern Iowa | Rachel Larsen | rachel.larsen@uni.edu |
Cedar Falls | University of Northern Iowa | Nick Sullivan | nick.sullivan@uni.edu |
Cedar Falls | University of Northern Iowa | Jesus Lizarraga-Estrada | jesus.lizarraga@uni.edu |
Cedar Falls | University of Northern Iowa | Adalberto Castrejon | adalberto.castrejon@uni.edu |
Cedar Falls | University of Northern Iowa | Shelly Christensen | shelly.christensen@uni.edu |
Cedar Falls | Iowa State University | Andrea Dahl | andahl@iastate.edu |
Cedar Falls | Educational Talent Search | Matthew Moore | m2moore@uni.edu |
Cedar Falls | Cedar Falls High School | Erin Gardner | erin.gardner@cfschools.org |
Cedar Falls | Cedar Falls High School | Susan Langan | susan.langan@cfschools.org |
Cedar Falls | Cedar Falls High School | Andrew Eisenman | andrew.eisenman@cfschools.org |
Cedar Falls | Cedar Falls High School | Carrie Dieken | carrie.dieken@cfschools.org |
Cedar Rapids | Zach Johnson Foundation | Chasity Kelley | ckelley@kidsoncoursecr.com |
Cedar Rapids | Xavier High School | Cara Joens | cara.joens@xaviersaints.org |
Cedar Rapids | Mount Mercy University | Ryan Puhrmann | rpuhrmann@mtmercy.edu |
Cedar Rapids | Mount Mercy University | Melissa Pickering | mpickering@mtmercy.edu |
Cedar Rapids | Mount Mercy University | Jennifer McNabb | jmcnabb@mtmercy.edu |
Cedar Rapids | Mount Mercy University | Peter Fegley | pfegley@mtmercy.edu |
Cedar Rapids | Mount Mercy University | Erik Ryan | eryan@mtmercy.edu |
Cedar Rapids | Metro High School | Marie Kasner | mkasner@crschools.us |
Cedar Rapids | Kirkwood Community College | Julie Prasil | julie.prasil@kirkwood.edu |
Cedar Rapids | Kirkwood Community College | Scott Gay | sgay@kirkwood.edu |
Cedar Rapids | Kirkwood Community College | Chessa Loushin | chessa.loushin@kirkwood.edu |
Cedar Rapids | Kirkwood Community College | Shannon Feldermann | shannon.feldermann@kirkwood.edu |
Cedar Rapids | Kirkwood Community College | MIke Espinoza | mike.espinoza@kirkwood.edu |
Cedar Rapids | Kirkwood Community College | Jonathan Konga | jonathan.konga@kirkwood.edu |
Cedar Rapids | Kirkwood Community College | Tyler Poldervaart | tyler.poldervaart@kirkwood.edu |
Cedar Rapids | Kennedy High School | Liz Wessels | ewessels@cr.k12.ia.us |
Cedar Rapids | Kennedy High School | Laurie Mead | lmead@cr.k12.ia.us |
Cedar Rapids | Kennedy High School | Andy Jacobsen | ajacobsen@cr.k12.ia.us |
Cedar Rapids | Coe College | Laura Matyus | lmatyus@coe.edu |
Cedar Rapids | Cedar Rapids Community School District | Halie Smith | hsmith@cr.k12.ia.us |
Cedar Rapids | Cedar Rapids Community School District | Tara Troester | ttroester@crschools.us |
Cedar Rapids | Arthur Elementary School | Patrick Winter | pwinter@cr.k12.ia.us |
Center Point | Center Point-Urbana Middle School | Jill Fair | jfair@cpuschools.org |
Centerville | Centerville High School | Luann Eakins | luann.eakins@centervillek12.org |
Charles City | Charles City High School | Chealsey Moen | cmoen@charles-city.k12.ia.us |
Clear Lake | Clear Lake High School | Amy Sunde | asunde@clearlakeschools.org |
Clinton | Clinton Community College | Heather Evans | hlevans@eicc.edu |
Clinton | Clinton Community College | Danielle Sampson | dmsampson@eicc.edu |
Clinton | Clinton Community College | Holly Hansen | hhosch@eicc.edu |
Council Bluffs | Saint Albert Catholic Schools | Tara Sommerville | sommervillet@saintalbertschools.org |
Council Bluffs | Lewis Central Senior High School | Derek Archer | darcher@lewiscentral.org |
Council Bluffs | Lewis Central Senior High School | Jackie Bode-Steinke | jbodesteinke@lewiscentral.org |
Council Bluffs | Iowa Western Community College | Kaitlin Scholl | kscholl@iwcc.edu |
Council Bluffs | Iowa Western Community College | Christine Bolas | cbolas@iwcc.edu |
Council Bluffs | Iowa Western Community College | Jeremy Crump | jcrump@iwcc.edu |
Council Bluffs | Iowa Western Community College | Nyssa Greer | ngreer@iwcc.edu |
Council Bluffs | Iowa Western Community College | Katarina Niemann | kniemann@iwcc.edu |
Council Bluffs | Iowa Western Community College | Alexa Hoy | ahoy@iwcc.edu |
Council Bluffs | Iowa Western Community College | Raelyn Weston | rweston@iwcc.edu |
Council Bluffs | Iowa Western Community College | Devon Niebling | dniebling@iwcc.edu |
Council Bluffs | Iowa Western Community College | Amber White | awhite@iwcc.edu |
Council Bluffs | Iowa Western Community College | Betsy Wilcox-Irvin | bwilcox@iwcc.edu |
Council Bluffs | Iowa Western Community College | Jordan Leehy | jleehy@iwcc.edu |
Council Bluffs | Iowa Western Community College | Kylie VonWeihe | kvonweihe@iwcc.edu |
Council Bluffs | ICAN | Steve Irvin | sirvin@icansucceed.org |
Council Bluffs | Career Edvantage | Sara Forster | sforster@careeredvantage.org |
Council Bluffs | Career Edvantage | Meghan Ehlers | mehlers@careeredvantage.org |
Council Bluffs | Abraham Lincoln High School | Larella Rangel | lrangel@cbcsd.org |
Council Bluffs | Aim For Brilliance | Tanya Jacha | rjacha@aiminstitute.org |
Council Bluffs | Aim For Brilliance | Madison Jordan | mjordan@aiminstitute.org |
Council Bluffs | Aim For Brilliance | Kristy Hansen | khansen@aiminstitute.org |
Council Bluffs | Aim For Brilliance | Rachael Kalhorn | rkalhorn@aiminstitute.org |
Council Bluffs | Aim For Brilliance | Lucely Salgado | lsalgado@aiminstitute.org |
Council Bluffs | Aim For Brilliance | Matt Patten | mpatten@aiminstitute.org |
Cresco | Crestwood High School | Trish Hartman | thartman@howard-winn.k12.ia.us |
Creston | Southwestern Community College | Caitlyn Maitlen | clesan@swcciowa.edu |
Creston | Southwestern Community College | Lauren England | england@swcciowa.edu |
Creston | Southwestern Community College | Doug North | north@swcciowa.edu |
Creston | Southwestern Community College | Lucille Black | black@swcciowa.edu |
Creston | Southwestern Community College | Bobbie Gillespie | gillespie@swcciowa.edu |
Creston | Southwestern Community College | Valerie White | vwhite@swcciowa.edu |
Davenport | West High School (D) | Gena Soedt | soedtge@davenportschools.org |
Davenport | St. Ambrose University | Allie Conklin | conklinallisonj@sau.edu |
Davenport | St. Ambrose University | Tony Ketelaar | ketelaaranthonym@sau.edu |
Davenport | St. Ambrose University | Molly Kramer | kramermollym@sau.edu |
Davenport | St. Ambrose University | Brisa Almanza | almanzabrisam@sau.edu |
Davenport | St. Ambrose University | Tim Hyde | hydetimothy@sau.edu |
Davenport | St. Ambrose University | Gracyn Schriner | schrinergracyn@sau.edu |
Davenport | St. Ambrose University | Isabella Foral | foralisabellam@sau.edu |
Davenport | St. Ambrose University | Lynn Barker | barkerlynne@sau.edu |
Davenport | St. Ambrose University | Becky Stremlow | stremlowbeckyj@sau.edu |
Davenport | St. Ambrose University | Haley Best | besthaleym@sau.edu |
Davenport | St. Ambrose University | Emily Duve | duveemily@sau.edu |
Davenport | Mid City High School | Jessica Hankins | hankinsj@davenportschools.org |
Davenport | Eastern Iowa Community College District | Catarina Bolton | cbbolton@eicc.edu |
Davenport | Eastern Iowa Community College District | Brittany Beard | bbeard@eicc.edu |
Davenport | Eastern Iowa Community College District | Amy Herrig | atherrig@eicc.edu |
Davenport | Eastern Iowa Community College District | Kari Hanson | khanson@eicc.edu |
Davenport | Eastern Iowa Community College District | Casey Brooks | clbrooks@eicc.edu |
Davenport | Eastern Iowa Community College District | Andrea Feller | alfeller@eicc.edu |
Davenport | Eastern Iowa Community College District | Kelsey King | therrington@eicc.edu |
Davenport | Eastern Iowa Community College District | Tishly Herrington | therrington@eicc.edu |
Davenport | Eastern Iowa Community College District | Janice Dolan | dolan.janice@gmail.com |
Davenport | Eastern Iowa Community College District | Jennifer Sweborg | jennifer.sweborg@iwd.iowa.gov |
Davenport | Eastern Iowa Community College District | Thea Holmon-Ellis | tholmon-ellis@eicc.edu |
Davenport | Central High School (D) | Matthew Johnson | johnsonm@davenport.k12.ia.us |
Decorah | Luther College | Julie Shockey Trytten | julie@luther.edu |
Denison | Western Iowa Tech. - Denison | Kari Meyer | kari.meyer@witcc.edu |
Denison | Western Iowa Tech. - Denison | Sara Klatt | sara.klatt@witcc.edu |
Denison | Western Iowa Tech. - Denison | Sandy Velasquez | sandy.velasquez@witcc.edu |
Denison | Western Iowa Tech. - Denison | Jessica Garcia | jessica.g.garcia@witcc.edu |
Des Moines | Saydel High School | Shannon Larson | larsonshannon@saydel.net |
Des Moines | Safe at Home | Melanie Shellenberger | melshel@gmail.com |
Des Moines | Principal Financial Group Foundation, Inc. | Jeff Vorwerk | vorwerk1@aol.com |
Des Moines | North High School (DM) | Kelsey Howard | elsey.howard@dmschools.org |
Des Moines | Lincoln High School | Justin Einerson | justin.einerson@dmschools.org |
Des Moines | Lincoln High School | Karen Sissel | karen.sissel@dmschools.org |
Des Moines | Lincoln High School | Kelly Comiskey | kelly.comiskey@dmschools.org |
Des Moines | King Elementary School | Linda Rossow | linda.rossow@dmschools.org |
Des Moines | Iowa School of Beauty | Brooke Watson | brooke@iowaschoolofbeauty.com |
Des Moines | Iowa School of Beauty | Marla Kollbaum | marla@isb4me.com |
Des Moines | Iowa School of Beauty | Shelly Pick | shelly.pick@iowaschoolofbeauty.com |
Des Moines | Iowa College Student Aid Commission | Elizabeth Yaddof | elizabeth.yaddof@iowa.gov |
Des Moines | Iowa College Student Aid Commission | Jamie Hoffman | hoffmaj@live.siouxcityschools.com |
Des Moines | Iowa College Student Aid Commission | Erin Valerio-Garsow | erin.valerio-garsow@iowa.gov |
Des Moines | Iowa College Student Aid Commission | Keyli Keifer | keyli.keifer@iowa.gov |
Des Moines | Hoover High School | Tracy Levang | tracy.levang@dmschools.org |
Des Moines | Hoover High School | Johnathan Preston | johnathan.preston@dmschools.org |
Des Moines | Hoover High School | Michael Dean | michael.dean@dmschools.org |
Des Moines | Grand View University | Christine Dillon | cdillon@grandview.edu |
Des Moines | Grand View University | Dustin Reis | dreis@grandview.edu |
Des Moines | Grand View University | Dani Gronek | dgronek@grandview.edu |
Des Moines | Grand View University | Molly Brown | mbrown@grandview.edu |
Des Moines | East High School (DM) | Lauren Brandt-Erickson | lauren.brandterickson@dmschools.org |
Des Moines | Drake University | Grace Baumgarter | grace.baumgartner@drake.edu |
Des Moines | Drake University | Lisa Flynn | lisa.flynn@drake.edu |
Des Moines | Drake University | Evan Favreau | evan.favreau@drake.edu |
Des Moines | Drake University | Kristi Fuller | kristi.fuller@drake.edu |
Des Moines | Drake University | Patrick Bourgeacq | patrick.bourgeacq@drake.edu |
Des Moines | Drake University | Ethan Fickau | ethan.fickau@drake.edu |
Des Moines | Drake University | Josefina Lopez | josefina.lopez@drake.edu |
Des Moines | Drake University | Mark Reiter | mark.reiter@drake.edu |
Des Moines | Drake University | Lauren Sharp | lauren.sharp@drake.edu |
Des Moines | Drake University | Lauren Selfridge | lauren.selfridge@drake.edu |
Des Moines | Drake University | Tyler Koehler | tyler.koehler@drake.edu |
Des Moines | Drake University | Brandi Miller | brandi.l.miller@drake.edu |
Des Moines | Drake University | Grace Wenzel | grace.wenzel@drake.edu |
Des Moines | Drake University | Nick Drahozal | nick.drahozal@drake.edu |
Des Moines | DMACC - Urban Campus | Clarissa Mejia | cmmejia@dmacc.edu |
Des Moines | DMACC - Urban Campus | Brad Spielman | |
Des Moines | DMACC - Urban Campus | Hillary Johnson | hmjohnson6@dmacc.edu |
Des Moines | DMACC - Urban Campus | Joel Parker | japarker2@dmacc.edu |
Des Moines | Des Moines University | Patricia Geelan | patricia.geelan@dmu.edu |
Des Moines | Des Moines Public Schools | Jennifer Shedd | jennifer.shedd@dmschools.org |
Des Moines | Central Campus | Sonya Smith | sonya.smith@dmschools.org |
Des Moines | Central Campus | John Hickling | john.hickling@dmschools.org |
Dubuque | Multicultural Family Center | Jaqueline Hunter | jhunter@cityofdubuque.org |
Dubuque | Hoover Elementary School | Tracy Patrum | tpatrum@dbqschools.org |
Dubuque | Hempstead High School | Ashley Fure | afure@dbqschools.org |
Dubuque | Hempstead High School | Chelsea Cox | ccox@dbqschools.org |
Dubuque | Dubuque Senior High School | Nicholas Hoeger | nhoeger@dbqschools.org |
Dubuque | Dubuque Senior High School | Laura Lawrence | llawrence@dbqschools.org |
Dubuque | Dubuque Senior High School | Nikki Berna | nberna@dbqschools.org |
Dubuque | Dubuque Senior High School | Angela Haller | ahaller@dbqschools.org |
Dubuque | Dubuque Community Schools | Shirley Horstman | shorstman@dbqschools.org |
Dubuque | Dubuque Community Schools | Karin Anderson | kanderson@dbqschools.org |
Dubuque | Cornerstone Academy | Jennifer Erickson | jerickson@dbqschools.org |
Dubuque | Clarke University | Jon Lewerke | jon.lewerke@clarke.edu |
Dubuque | Clarke University | Ali Boyd | ali.boyd@clarke.edu |
Dubuque | Clarke University | Kristin Harrington | kristin.harrington@clarke.edu |
Dubuque | Clarke University | Mary Jo Ramler | maryjo.ramler@clarke.edu |
Dubuque | Clarke University | Alicia Schmitt | alicia.schmitt@clarke.edu |
Eldon | Cardinal Elementary School | Abbey Shelman | alroth430@gmail.com |
Emmetsburg | Iowa Lakes Community College, Emmetsburg | Regina Marquez | rmarquez@iowalakes.edu |
Emmetsburg | Iowa Lakes Community College, Emmetsburg | Jody Condon | jcondon@iowalakes.edu |
Emmetsburg | Iowa Lakes Community College, Emmetsburg | Angela Zarybnicky | azarybnicky@iowalakes.edu |
Emmetsburg | Iowa Lakes Community College, Emmetsburg | Kim Campbell | kcampbell@iowalakes.edu |
Emmetsburg | Iowa Lakes Community College, Emmetsburg | Nicole Heng | nheng@iowalakes.edu |
Estherville | Iowa Lakes Community College, Estherville | LaCrecia Haywood | lahaywood@iowalakes.edu |
Estherville | Iowa Lakes Community College, Estherville | Matt Mincey | mmincey@iowalakes.edu |
Fairfield | Maharishi International University | June Humphreys | jhumphreys@miu.edu |
Fairfield | Maharishi International University | Gwendolyn Stowe | gstowe@miu.edu |
Fairfield | Maharishi International University | Lauren Webster | lwebster@mum.edu |
Fairfield | Maharishi International University | Pedro Ugalde | pugalde@miu.edu |
Fairfield | Maharishi International University | Aster Hesse | aster@mum.edu |
Fairfield | Maharishi International University | Jessica Nohle | jnohle@miu.edu |
Fayette | Upper Iowa University | Kelli Pech | pechk59@uiu.edu |
Fayette | Upper Iowa University | Jennifer Brady | bradyj129@uiu.edu |
Forest City | Forest City High School | Derek Ziesmer | dziesmer@forestcity.k12.ia.us |
Fort Dodge | Iowa Central Community College | Kennedy Newell | newell@iowacentral.edu |
Fort Dodge | Iowa Central Community College | Lindsey Rossow | rossow@iowacentral.edu |
Fort Dodge | Iowa Central Community College | Emily Holtapp | holtapp@iowacentral.edu |
Fort Dodge | Iowa Central Community College | Eric Oberg | oberg@iowacentral.edu |
Fort Dodge | Iowa Central Community College | Adriana Valeriano | adriana.valeriano@iowa.gov |
Fort Dodge | Iowa Central Community College | Ashlyn Craven | craven@iowacentral.edu |
Fort Dodge | Iowa Central Community College | Stacey Bochart | stacey.bochart@iowa.gov |
Fort Dodge | Iowa Central Community College | Megan Grove | grove_m@iowacentral.edu |
Fort Dodge | Iowa Central Community College | Shane Van Meer | vanmeer@iowacentral.edu |
Fort Dodge | Iowa Central Community College | Jaci Stumpf | stumpf@iowacentral.edu |
Fort Dodge | Iowa Central Community College | Craig Juilfs | juilfs@iowacentral.edu |
Fort Dodge | Iowa Central Community College | Tori Tomke | tomke@iowacentral.edu |
Fort Dodge | Iowa Central Community College | Sara Scharf | scharf@iowacentral.edu |
Fort Dodge | Iowa Central Community College | Kelsey Casey | casey@iowacentral.edu |
Fort Dodge | Iowa Central Community College | Jamie Haden | haden_j@iowacentral.edu |
Fort Dodge | Iowa Central Community College | Jordyn St. John | stjohn@iowacentral.edu |
Gilbert | Gilbert Community High School | Michelle Stuber | stuberm@gilbert.k12.ia.us |
Graettinger | Graettinger-Terril High School | Allie Peterson | apeterson@gt.ratitans.org |
Grimes | Dallas Center-Grimes High School | Danielle Clancy | danie.clancy@dcgschools.com |
Grinnell | Iowa Valley Community College District | Jodi Blackford | jodi.blackford@iavalley.edu |
Grinnell | Iowa Valley Community College District | Kelly Davis | kelly.davis@iavalley.edu |
Grinnell | Grinnell Community Senior High School | Amanda Pearce | amanda.pearce@grinnell-k12.org |
Grinnell | Grinnell Community Senior High School | Emily Hall | emily.gielau@grinell-k12.org |
Grinnell | Grinnell College | Mary Phipps | phipps@grinnell.edu |
Grinnell | Grinnell College | Megan Jones | jonesmeg@grinnell.edu |
Hampton | MIssion Possible | Kimberly Booth | missionpossible.fc@gmail.com |
Hawarden | West Sioux High School | Duane Sperle | dsperle@w-sioux.k12.ia.us |
Hiawatha | Arnold and Mote Wealth Management | Quinn Arnold | quinn@arnoldfinancialplanning.com |
Huxley | Ballard Community Senior High School | Lisa Doland | ldoland@ballard.k12.ia.us |
Huxley | Ballard Community Senior High School | Alexus Flaherty | lflaherty@ballard.k12.ia.us |
Indianola | Simpson College | Jennifer Beal | jennifer.beal@simpson.edu |
Indianola | Simpson College | Cheryl Eaton | cheryl.eaton@simpson.edu |
Indianola | Simpson College | Dave Williams | dave.williams@simpson.edu |
Indianola | Simpson College | Karla Gilson | karla.gilson@simpson.edu |
Indianola | Simpson College | Dawn Barnes | dawn.barnes@simpson.edu |
Indianola | Simpson College | Madeline Cano | madeline.cano@simpson.edu |
Indianola | Simpson College | Demirae Dunn | demi.dunn@simpson.edu |
Indianola | Simpson College | Beverly Hickman | bev.hickman@simpson.edu |
Indianola | Simpson College | Elizabeth Glawe | elizabeth.glawe@simpson.edu |
Indianola | Simpson College | Jeremy Johnson | jeremy.johnson@simpson.edu |
Indianola | Simpson College | Michael Norris | michael.norris@simpson.edu |
Indianola | Simpson College | Katie Evenson | katie.evenson@simpson.edu |
Indianola | Simpson College | Caleb Carver | caleb.carver@simpson.edu |
Indianola | Simpson College | Emili Radke | emili.radke@simpson.edu |
Indianola | Simpson College | Tabatha Lamb | tabbie374@gmail.com |
Indianola | Simpson College | Allie Martinez | allie.martinez@simpson.edu |
Indianola | Simpson College | Kimberly Roberts | kimberly.roberts@simpson.edu |
Indianola | Simpson College | Bryson Graham | bryson.graham@simpson.edu |
Iowa City | West High School (IC) | Russ Johnson | johnson.russ@iowacityschools.org |
Iowa City | University of Iowa | Hanna Collins | hanna.mrtn@gmail.com |
Iowa City | University of Iowa | Jessica Graham | jessica-graham@uiowa.edu |
Iowa City | University of Iowa | Dusty Persinger | dusty-persinger@uiowa.edu |
Iowa City | University of Iowa | Natalie Goodman | natalie-goodman@uiowa.edu |
Iowa City | University of Iowa | Autumn Williams | autumn-williams@uiowa.edu |
Iowa City | University of Iowa | Vanessa Wiest | vanessa-wiest@uiowa.edu |
Iowa City | University of Iowa | Hannah Hodges | hannah-hodges@uiowa.edu |
Iowa City | University of Iowa | Jess Klein | jessica-klein@uiowa.edu |
Iowa City | University of Iowa | Kirk Kluver | kirk-kluver@uiowa.edu |
Iowa City | University of Iowa | Marissa Wetrich | marissa-wetrich@uiowa.edu |
Iowa City | University of Iowa | Marcus Phillips | marcus-phillips@uiowa.edu |
Iowa City | University of Iowa | Sarah Smith | sarah-l-smith@uiowa.edu |
Iowa City | University of Iowa | Liz Becker | liz-becker@uiowa.edu |
Iowa City | University of Iowa | Matthew Heinze | matthew-heinze@uiowa.edu |
Iowa City | University of Iowa | Ana Esradad | analaura-brionesestrada@uiowa.edu |
Iowa City | University of Iowa | Veronica Chavez | veronica-chavez@uiowa.edu |
Iowa City | Regina High School | Lynne Zoulek | lynne.zoulek@regina.org |
Iowa City | ACT Inc. | Amber O'Connor | ambernoconnor@gmail.com |
Iowa Falls | Iowa Falls-Alden High School | Jessie VanHove | jvanhove@ifacadets.net |
Keokuk | Two Rivers Bank & Trust, Keokuk | Holly Rex | hrex@tworivers.bank |
Keosauqua | Van Buren Community Jr-Sr High School | Julie Chapuis | julie.chapuis@van-burencsd.org |
La Crosse | Viterbo University | Jackie Morris | jemorris@viterbo.edu |
Lamoni | Graceland University | Sandi Swanson | sswanson@graceland.edu |
Lamoni | Graceland University | Carlie Briganti | carlie1@graceland.edu |
Lamoni | Graceland University | Brickell Dotson | bdotson@graceland.edu |
Lamoni | Graceland University | Tammy James | tjames@graceland.edu |
Lamoni | Educational Talent Search | Rebecca Coffey | bcoffey@graceland.edu |
Leon | Central Decatur Community High School | Kimberly Elsberry | kimberly.elsberry@centraldecatur.org |
Letts | Louisa-Muscatine Jr-Sr High School | Theresa Putnam-Genz | tputnamgenz@lmcsd.org |
Lisle | Benedictine University | Alex Batten | jrwhite@ben.edu |
Mapleton | First state Bank of Mapleton, Mapleton | Laura Streck | lstreck@firststbk.com |
Marengo | Iowa Valley Jr-Sr High School | Tiffany Thiessen | tthiessen@ivcsd.org |
Marion | Marion Home School Assistance Program | Christine Anderson | canderson@marion-isd.org |
Marion | Linn-Mar High School | Olivia Kriener | oekriener@gmail.com |
Marion | Linn-Mar High School | Jennifer Thurston | jthurston@linnmar.k12.ia.us |
Marion | Linn-Mar High School | Sheryl Bass | sheryl.bass@linnmar.k12.ia.us |
Marion | Linn-Mar High School | Dave Kennedy | dkennedy@linnmar.k12.ia.us |
Marshalltown | Marshalltown High School | Meri Edel | medel@marshalltown.k12.ia.us |
Marshalltown | Marshalltown Community College | Steve Garber | steve.garber@iavalley.edu |
Marshalltown | Marshalltown Community College | Valerie Ruiz | valerie.ruiz@iavalley.edu |
Marshalltown | Marshalltown Community College | Daniel Key | daniel.key@iavalley.edu |
Marshalltown | Marshalltown Community College | Allie Osmundson | allie.osmundson@iavalley.edu |
Marshalltown | Marshalltown Community College | Lara Thoms | lara.thoms@iavalley.edu |
Marshalltown | Marshalltown Community College | Amber Bolen | amber.bolen@iavalley.edu |
Marshalltown | Marshalltown Community College | Ryan Flack | ryan.flack@iavalley.edu |
Maryville | Northwest Missouri State University | Karen Woodard | woodard@nwmissouri.edu |
Mason City | North Iowa Area Community College | Kristy Molencamp | kristy.molencamp@niacc.edu |
Mason City | North Iowa Area Community College | Gayla Toebe | gayla.toebe@niacc.edu |
Mason City | North Iowa Area Community College | Steve Kelly | kellyste@niacc.edu |
Mason City | North Iowa Area Community College | Mark Mohl | mark.mohl@niacc.edu |
Mason City | North Iowa Area Community College | Lisa Brinkley | lisa.brinkley@niacc.edu |
Mason City | North Iowa Area Community College | Valeria Gonzalez | valeria.gonzalez@niacc.edu |
Mason City | North Iowa Area Community College | Rachel McGuire | rachel.mcguire@niacc.edu |
Mason City | Mason City High School | Karla Wymore | kwymore@masoncityschools.org |
Mason City | Mason City-CAN | Jeanette Cink | masoncity-can@outlook.com |
Mason City | Mason City-CAN | James Paape | jjpaape@hotmail.com |
Mason City | Mason City-CAN | James Coddington | coddingj@me.com |
Mason City | Mason City-CAN | Emily Peters | emilypeters828@gmail.com |
Missouri Valley | Missouri Valley High School | Jamie Justesen | jjustesen@movalleycsd.org |
Mount Pleasant | Mount Pleasant High School | Ashlei Venghaus | ashlei.venghaus@mtpcsd.org |
Moville | Woodbury Central High School | Mary Kay Walker | mwalker@wcwildcats.org |
Mt. Pleasant | Iowa Wesleyan University | Dylan Detweiller | dylan.detweiller@iw.edu |
Mt. Pleasant | Iowa Wesleyan University | Asher Smale | asher.smale@iw.edu |
Mt. Pleasant | Iowa Wesleyan University | Hillarie Koenig | hillarie.koenig@iw.edu |
Mt. Pleasant | Iowa Wesleyan University | Jason Sloan | jason.sloan@iw.edu |
Mt. Pleasant | Iowa Wesleyan University | Hannah Estabrook | hannah.estabrook@iw.edu |
Mt. Pleasant | Iowa Wesleyan University | David Wendt | david.wendt@iw.edu |
Mt. Pleasant | Iowa Wesleyan University | Ashlynn Lingle | ashlynn.lingle@iw.edu |
Mt. Pleasant | Iowa Wesleyan University | Delaney Van Ness | d.vanness@iw.edu |
Mt. Pleasant | Iowa Wesleyan University | Kara Avis | kara.avis@iw.edu |
Mt. Pleasant | Iowa Wesleyan University | Jenna Carpenter | jenna.carpenter@iw.edu |
Mt. Pleasant | Iowa Wesleyan University | Colin DePriest | colin.depriest@iw.edu |
Mt. Vernon | Cornell College | macaela Holmes Fuller | mhomes@cornellcollege.edu |
Mt. Vernon | Cornell College | Colleen Murphy | jcmurphy@cornellcollege.edu |
Mt. Vernon | Cornell College | Adeara Jean London | alondon@cornellcollege.edu |
Mt. Vernon | Cornell College | Marie Schofer | mschofer@cornellcollege.edu |
Mt. Vernon | Cornell College | Mayra Arevalo | marevalo@cornellcollege.edu |
Mt. Vernon | Cornell College | Ling Zhang | lzhang@cornellcollege.edu |
Mt. Vernon | Cornell College | DJ Irwin | dirwin@cornellcollege.edu |
Mt. Vernon | Cornell College | John Tesensky | jtesensky@cornellcollege.edu |
Mt. Vernon | Cornell College | Guadalupe Flores | gflores@cornellcollege.edu |
Mt. Vernon | Cornell College | Adeara Jean London | alondon@cornellcollege.edu |
Mt. Vernon | Cornell College | Phil Welsh | pwelsh@cornellcollege.edu |
Mt. Vernon | Cornell College | Megan Kuhn | mkuhn@cornellcollege.edu |
Mt. Vernon | Cornell College | Brady Tobin | btobin@cornellcollege.edu |
Mt. Vernon | Cornell College | Evelyn Rush | erush@cornellcollege.edu |
Muscatine | Muscatine High School | Karey Hawkins | karey.hawkins@mcsdonline.org |
Muscatine | Muscatine High School | Jennifer Zamora | jennalzamora@gmail.com |
Muscatine | Muscatine Community College | William Barwick | wbarwick@eicc.edu |
Muscatine | Muscatine Community College | Claire Packer | cbrakelpacker@eicc.edu |
New Sharon | North Mahaska Jr-Sr High School | Angie Radcliffe | radcliffea@nmwarhawks.org |
North Liberty | Penn Elementary School | Kaitlyn Cooley | cooley.kaitlyn@iowacityschools.org |
North Liberty | Liberty High School | Rick Spear | spear.rick@iowacityschools.org |
North Liberty | Liberty High School | Troy Bergmann | bergmann.troy@iowacityschools.org |
Norwalk | Norwalk Senior High School | Tom Scallon | tscallon@norwalk.k12.ia.us |
Omaha | University of Nebraska at Omaha | Lacey Dudash | ldudash@unomaha.edu |
Omaha | College of Saint Mary | Sophia Peralta-Amador | speraltaamador@csm.edu |
Omaha | Clarkson College | Andrea Kwiatkowski | kwiatkowskiandrea@clarksoncollege.edu |
Omaha | Clarkson College | Michael Ehrecke | ehreckemichael@clarksoncollege.edu |
Oskaloosa | William Penn University | Will Utter | utterw@wmpenn.edu |
Ottumwa | Ottumwa Regional Legacy Foundation | Andy Maw | amaw@orlf.org |
Ottumwa | Ottumwa High School | Abby Conrad | abby.conrad@ottumwaschools.com |
Ottumwa | Ottumwa High School | Brenda Stevens | brenda.stevens@ottumwaschools.com |
Ottumwa | Indian Hills Community College | Bobby Orman | bobby.orman@indianhills.edu |
Ottumwa | Indian Hills Community College | Audrie Beary | audrie.beary@indianhills.edu |
Ottumwa | Indian Hills Community College | Brenda Jensen | onestop@indianhills.edu |
Ottumwa | Indian Hills Community College | Debbie Boyer | debbie.boyer@indianhills.edu |
Ottumwa | Indian Hills Community College | Edith Cabrera-Tello | tello@indianhills.edu |
Ottumwa | Indian Hills Community College | Alix McPherson | alix.mcpherson@indianhills.edu |
Ottumwa | Indian Hills Community College | Chuck Allen | charles.allen@indianhills.edu |
Ottumwa | Indian Hills Community College | Nancy Nelson | nancy.nelson@indianhills.edu |
Ottumwa | Indian Hills Community College | Sonya Davis | sonya.davis@indianhills.edu |
Ottumwa | Indian Hills Community College | Kim Thornbrugh | kthornbr@indianhills.edu |
Ottumwa | Indian Hills Community College | Juliana Bunnell | julianabunnell91@gmail.com |
Ottumwa | Indian Hills Community College | Alli Bogaard | alli.bogaard@indianhills.edu |
Ottumwa | Indian Hills Community College | Erica Kirchner | erica.kirchner@indianhills.edu |
Ottumwa | Indian Hills Community College | Ashley Hobbs | ashley.hobbs@indianhills.edu |
Ottumwa | Indian Hills Community College | Sharon Mier | sharon.mier@indianhills.edu |
Ottumwa | Indian Hills Community College | Gregory Teets | gregory.teets@indianhills.edu |
Ottumwa | Indian Hills Community College | Audry Beary | audrie.beary@indianhills.edu |
Panora | Panorama High School | Chris Webner | cwebner@panorama.k12.ia.us |
Pella | Upward Bound, Central College | Whitney Wagner | wagnerw@central.edu |
Pella | Upward Bound, Central College | Scottie Yang | yangs@central.edu |
Pella | Upward Bound, Central College | Jason Anderson | andersonja@central.edu |
Pella | Upward Bound, Central College | Josh Swanson | swansonj@central.edu |
Pella | TRIO-ETS, Central College | Bob Kuennen | kuennenr@central.edu |
Pella | TRIO-ETS, Central College | Sarah Clark | clarks@central.edu |
Pella | TRIO-ETS, Central College | Kristin Lewis | lewisk@central.edu |
Pella | Central College | Susie Hakeman | hakemans@central.edu |
Pella | Central College | Hollee Stover Milligan | stovermilligan@central.edu |
Pella | Central College | Kelly Bowzan | kowzank@central.edu |
Pella | Central College | Drew Readel | readeld@central.edu |
Pella | Central College | Jamel McKnight | mcknightj@central.edu |
Pella | Central College | Kelly Kowzan | kowzank@central.edu |
Pella | Central College | Catherine Vande Voort | vandevoortc@central.edu |
Pella | Central College | Grady Carson | carsong@central.edu |
Pella | Central College | Drew Sikkink | sikkinka@central.edu |
Peosta | Northeast Iowa Community College (Peosta) | Amanda Reddick-Gilson | reddick-gilsona@nicc.edu |
Peosta | Northeast Iowa Community College (Peosta) | Brandi Herring | herringb@nicc.edu |
Peosta | Northeast Iowa Community College (Calmar) | Hannah Steiber | steiberh@nicc.edu |
Peosta | Northeast Iowa Community College (Calmar) | Donna Taylor | taylords@nicc.edu |
Peosta | Northeast Iowa Community College (Calmar) | Josh Shimak | shimakj@nicc.edu |
Peosta | Northeast Iowa Community College (Calmar) | Holly Maurer | maurerh@nicc.edu |
Peosta | Northeast Iowa Community College (Calmar) | Kristi Strief | striefk@portal.nicc.edu |
Peosta | Northeast Iowa Community College (Calmar) | Annie Frye | fyea@nicc.edu |
Perry | DMACC at Perry Vankirk Career Academy | Tom Lipovac | tflipovac@dmacc.edu |
Perry | DMACC at Perry Vankirk Career Academy | Gail Zehr | gmzehr@dmacc.edu |
Platteville | University of Wisconsin - Platteville | Chris Kerkenbush | kerkenbushc@uwplatt.edu |
Pleasant Hill | Southeast Polk High School | Darrell Butcher | darell.butcher@southeastpolk.org |
Pleasant Hill | Southeast Polk High School | Carol Von Tersch | carol.vontersch@southeastpolk.org |
Pleasant Hill | Southeast Polk High School | Sara Rowe | sara.rowe@southeastpolk.org |
Red Oak | Red Oak High School | Kathy Linke | linkek@redoakschools.org |
Red Oak | Red Oak High School | Lindsay Williams | williamsli@redoakschools.org |
Rock Island | Modern Woodmen Bank, Rock Island | Carey Bewyer | cbewyer@studentloan.org |
Rock Rapids | Central Lyon Senior High School | Jessica Harman | jharman@centrallyon.org |
Rockford | Rudd-Rockford-Marble Rock High School | Tiffany Allen | tallen@rockford.k12.ia.us |
Sheldon | Northwest Iowa Community College | Norma Azpeitia | nazpeitia@nwicc.edu |
Sigourney | Sigourney High School | Keri VanDenHeuvel | keri.vandenheuvel@sigourneyschools.com |
Sioux Center | Dordt University | Courtney Koopsen | courtney.koopsen@dordt.edu |
Sioux City | Western Iowa Tech Community College, Cherokee Campus | Dori Claycamp | dori.claycamp@witcc.edu |
Sioux City | Western Iowa Tech Community College, Cherokee Campus | Wendy Ivarson | wendy.ivarson@witcc.edu |
Sioux City | Western Iowa Tech Community College | Victor Diaz Galindo | victor.diaz@witcc.edu |
Sioux City | Western Iowa Tech Community College | Kathie Newell | kathie.newell@witcc.edu |
Sioux City | Western Iowa Tech Community College | Aimee Hoff | aimee.hoff@witcc.edu |
Sioux City | Western Iowa Tech Community College | Merlyn Kathol | merlyn.kathol@witcc.edu |
Sioux City | Western Iowa Tech Community College | Julie Anderson | julie.anderson@witcc.edu |
Sioux City | Western Iowa Tech Community College | Angela Farley | angela.farley@witcc.edu |
Sioux City | Western Iowa Tech Community College | Rita Strom | rita.strom@witcc.edu |
Sioux City | Western Iowa Tech Community College | Lindsey Jensen | lindsey.jensen@witcc.edu |
Sioux City | Western Iowa Tech Community College | Holly Olson | holly.olson@witcc.edu |
Sioux City | Western Iowa Tech Community College | Lauren Moeller | lauren.moeller@witcc.edu |
Sioux City | TRIO- ETS, Briar Cliff | Jenny Hamman | jenny.hamman@briarcliff.edu |
Sioux City | St. Luke's College | Michelle Fitch | michelle.fitch@stlukescollege.edu |
Sioux City | North High School (SC) | Eric Hueschen | huesche@live.siouxcityschools.com |
Sioux City | North High School (SC) | Scott Krosch | kroschs@live.siouxcityschools.com |
Sioux City | Morningside University | Steven Ricke | rickes@morningside.edu |
Sioux City | Morningside University | Kendra Ebert | ebertk@morningside.edu |
Sioux City | Morningside University | Karen Wiese | wiesek@morningside.edu |
Sioux City | Morningside University | Michelle Robinson | robinson@morningside.edu |
Sioux City | East High School (SC) | Michelle Hoch | hochm@live.siouxcityschools.com |
Sioux City | East High School (SC) | Jay Weakland | weaklaj1@live.siouxcityschools.com |
Sioux City | Briar Cliff University | Alison Boysen | alison.boysen@briarcliff.edu |
Sioux City | Briar Cliff University | Nelly Cerda | nelly.cerda@briarcliff.edu |
Sioux City | Briar Cliff University | Kelsie Carlson | kelsie.carlson@briarcliff.edu |
Sioux City | Briar Cliff University | Darrien Ford-Hills | darrien.ford-hills@briarcliff.edu |
Sioux City | Briar Cliff University | Christopher Young | christopher.young@briarcliff.edu |
Sioux City | Briar Cliff University | Dawn Aesoph | dawn.aesoph@briarcliff.edu |
Sioux City | Briar Cliff University | Alissa Kelecher | alissa.keleher@briarcliff.edu |
Sioux City | Briar Cliff University | Mary Gordon | mary.gordon@briarcliff.edu |
Sioux City | Briar Cliff University | Jaidan Eide | jaidan.eide@briarcliff.edu |
Sioux City | Briar Cliff University | Aubury Coleman | aubury.coleman@briarcliff.edu |
Sioux City | Briar Cliff University | Anne Schaffer | anne.schaffer@briarcliff.edu |
Sioux Falls | University of Sioux Falls | Thomas Jennings | thomas.jennings@usiouxfalls.edu |
Sioux Falls | University of Sioux Falls | Hailey Schmidt | hailey.schmidt@usiouxfalls.edu |
Sioux Falls | University of Sioux Falls | Lauren Nelson | lauren.nelson@usiouxfalls.edu |
Sioux Falls | University of Sioux Falls | Samantha Nelson | samantha.nelson@usiouxfalls.edu |
Sioux Falls | University of Sioux Falls | Allan Idjao | allan.idjao@siouxfalls.edu |
Sioux Falls | University of Sioux Falls | Crystal Carlson-Pennington | crystal.carlsonpennington@usiouxfalls.edu |
Sioux Falls | University of Sioux Falls | Xochitl Valencia | xochitl.valencia@usiouxfalls.edu |
Spirit Lake | Spirit Lake High School | Natasha Nelson | nnelson@spirit-lake.k12.ia.us |
Storm Lake | Storm Lake High School | Jodi Theisen | jtheisen@slcsd.org |
Storm Lake | Buena Vista University | Michael McCauley | mccauleym@bvu.edu |
Storm Lake | Buena Vista University | Sierra Olsen | olsens@bvu.edu |
Storm Lake | Buena Vista University | Jamie Fritz | fritzj@bvu.edu |
Storm Lake | Buena Vista University | Chris Reinhard | reinhardc@bvu.edu |
Storm Lake | Buena Vista University | Amy Montgomery | montgomerya@bvu.edu |
Storm Lake | Buena Vista University | MIssy Hall | hallm@bvu.edu |
Storm Lake | Buena Vista University | Kristin Jackson | jackson@bvu.edu |
Storm Lake | Buena Vista University | Rachel Mies | miesr@bvu.edu |
Storm Lake | Buena Vista University | Jenelle Martin | martinj@bvu.edu |
Storm Lake | Buena Vista University | Lauri Lyman | lymanl@bvu.edu |
Storm Lake | Buena Vista University | Becky Blackman | blackmanb@bvu.edu |
Storm Lake | Buena Vista University | Heather Runneberg | runnebergh@bvu.edu |
Storm Lake | Buena Vista University | Seth Shatto | shattos@bvu.edu |
Storm Lake | Buena Vista University | Rebecca Tiefenback | tiefenbackr@bvu.edu |
Storm Lake | Buena Vista University | Mandi Mollring | mollringa@bvu.edu |
Storm Lake | Buena Vista University | Elizabeth Leo | leoe@bvu.edu |
Sully | Lynnville-Sully High School | Nicole Deboef | deboef@lshawks.com |
Traer | North Tama High School | Phyllis McKee | phyllisamckee@gmail.com |
Urbandale | Urbandale High School | Darlene Wagner | wagnerd@urbandale.k12.ia.us |
Van Meter | Van Meter Jr-Sr High School | Kara May | kamay1@dmacc.edu |
Vermillion | University of South Dakota | Loren Ritter | loren.ritter@usd.edu |
Vermillion | University of South Dakota | Lizzie Kost | lizzie.kost@usd.edu |
Vermillion | University of South Dakota | Shelby Webb | shelby.webb@usd.edu |
Vermillion | University of South Dakota | Chad Yen | tsechi.yen@usd.edu |
Vermillion | University of South Dakota | Cori Nath | cori.nath@usd.edu |
Vermillion | University of South Dakota | Nick Cerny | nick.cerny@usd.edu |
Waterloo | West High School (W) | Jessica Wass | wassj@waterlooschools.org |
Waterloo | West High School (W) | Sheila Houston | houstons@waterlooschools.org |
Waterloo | West High School (W) | Ryan Topliff | topliffr@waterlooschools.org |
Waterloo | UNI Center for Urban Education (UNI-CUE) | Andrea Magee | andrea.magee@uni.edu |
Waterloo | UNI Center for Urban Education (UNI-CUE) | Carah Mabry | cmabry@uni.edu |
Waterloo | UNI Center for Urban Education (UNI-CUE) | Megan Holbach | megan.holbach@uni.edu |
Waterloo | UNI Center for Urban Education (UNI-CUE) | Matt Moore | m2moore@uni.edu |
Waterloo | UNI Center for Urban Education (UNI-CUE) | Lovely Henderson | lovely.henderson@uni.edu |
Waterloo | Hawkeye Community College | Abby Kopriva | abigail.kopriva@hawkeyecollege.edu |
Waterloo | Hawkeye Community College | Amy Lichty | amy.lichty@hawkeyecollege.edu |
Waterloo | Hawkeye Community College | Lisa Remetch | lisa.remetch@hawkeyecollege.edu |
Waterloo | Hawkeye Community College | Abigail Martin | abigail.martin@hawkeyecollege.edu |
Waterloo | Hawkeye Community College | Emily Hall | emily.hall@hawkeyecollege.edu |
Waterloo | Hawkeye Community College | Ashley Sanchez | ashley.sanchez@hawkeyecollege.edu |
Waterloo | Hawkeye Community College | Lynne Savago | lynne.savago@hawkeyecollege.edu |
Waterloo | Educational Talent Search | Lori Dale | lori.dale@uni.edu |
Waukee | Waukee Senior High School | Megan Curry | mcurry@waukeeschools.org |
Waukon | Northeast Iowa Community College (Waukon) | Ellen Brown | brownel@nicc.edu |
Waverly | Wartburg College | Laura Albert | laura.albert@wartburg.edu |
Waverly | Wartburg College | Mallory Luensmann | mallory.luensmann@wartburg.edu |
Waverly | Wartburg College | Kaitlyn Wyman | katie.wyman@wartburg.edu |
Waverly | Wartburg College | Bailey Camenisch | bailey.camenisch@wartburg.edu |
Wayne | Wayne State College | Amy Gade | amgade1@wsc.edu |
West Burlington | Southeastern Community College | Miranda Coleman | mcoleman@scciowa.edu |
West Burlington | Southeastern Community College | Lee Wibbell | lwibbell@scciowa.edu |
West Burlington | Southeastern Community College | Kelly Huber | kshuber@scciowa.edu |
West Burlington | Southeastern Community College | Mariah Wolfe | mwolfe@scciowa.edu |
West Des Moines | Walnut Creek Campus | Leah Lingren | lingrenl@wdmcs.org |
West Des Moines | Valley High School (WDM) | Eric Traynor | traynore@wdmcs.org |
West Des Moines | Valley High School (WDM) | Mackenzie Gersdorf | gersdorfm@wdmcs.org |
West Des Moines | ISL Education Lending | Jen Hempel | jhempel@studentloan.org |
West Des Moines | ISL Education Lending | Tammy Botos | tbotos@studentloan.org |
West Des Moines | ISL Education Lending | Marsha Boender | mboender@studentloan.org |
West Des Moines | ISL Education Lending | Megan Garrett | mgarrett@studentloan.org |
West Des Moines | ISL Education Lending | Tara Kamin | tkamin@studentloan.org |
West Des Moines | ISL Education Lending | Greg Nichols | gnichols@studentloan.org |
West Des Moines | ISL Education Lending | Jeanne Cloyd-Voelker | jvoelker@studentloan.org |
West Des Moines | ISL Education Lending | Suzanne Lowman | slowman@aspirerresourcesinc.com |
West Des Moines | ISL Education Lending | Beth McCullough | bethccc6@gmail.com |
West Des Moines | ISL Education Lending | Stacy Konz | stacy.konz@studentloan.org |
West Des Moines | ISL Education Lending | Tammy Martin | tmartin@studentloan.org |
West Des Moines | ISL Education Lending | Deb Ryan-Purcell | dryan@aspirerrsourcesinc.com |
West Des Moines | ISL Education Lending | Gary Adams | gadams@studentloan.org |
West Des Moines | Aveda Institute of Des Moines | Angie Long | angiel@avedaiowa.com |
West Des Moines | Aveda Institute of Des Moines | Josh Nelson | joshn@avedaiowa.com |
West Des Moines | Aveda Institute of Des Moines | Jemma Van Polen | jennap@avedaiowa.com |
West Des Moines | Aveda Institute of Des Moines | Natalie Arant | nataliejarant@gmail.com |
West Des Moines | Aveda Institute of Des Moines | Brittany Belt | brittanyb@avedaiowa.com |
West Union | North Fayette Valley High School | Bill Clark | bclark@nfv.k12.ia.us |
Whiting | Whiting Senior High School | Chris Derry | cderry@whitingcsd.org |
Wilton | Wilton High School | Andrea Shultice | andreashultice@wiltoncsd.org |
Wyoming | Midland Community High School | Mackenzie Lasack | mlasack@midland.k12.ia.us |