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I Can Succeed

Need Financial Aid? Schedule a FAFSA session with an ICAN advisor.
ICAN is now accepting appointments to help the Class of 2025, and current college students, complete the FAFSA form. Schedule an advising session today for assistance. We are here to help. Schedule Now.


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test calculator

Don't be caught unaware of how much money you really owe in student loans. Remember, you will be paying back all the money you borrowed plus interest fees. Use this calculator to determine your future monthly loan payments for each of your student loans.

  Typical Stafford Loan Other Loan
Loan term: 10 Years Year(s)
Repayment Interest Rate: 6.8% %
Total Balance: $ $
Check the Box to Calculate Your Payment:
Monthly Payments: $ $


This calculator can be used to provide an estimate of your loan payments. Actual payments may vary based on the interest rate at the time of repayment. The actual amount of your payments will be provided to you by your lender on a repayment schedule and/or a Truth in Lending disclosure, as is applicable.


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