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I Can Succeed

Join us at the Golden Circle College Fair on Sept. 22
The largest college fair in Iowa is coming up on Sunday, September 22 in Altoona from 1-3 pm. This event is a great way for high school students to explore their options for the future. The event is free. Learn more.


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Career Center

The career center and its staff are there on campus, and part of your tuition bill pays for the service, so you might as well go over and see how they can help. You will probably be pleasantly surprised with the services they offer to help with your job search. (Colleges like to advertise that a high percentage of their graduates are employed.)

Career assessment. The staff can help you explore your interests, career goals, skills, values and personality to help you find the right career.

Workshops and seminars. Contact your center to get their calendar of events. You might find workshops on resume writing, interview skills, networking, dining etiquette, job search strategies, applying to graduate school and more. These are great opportunities to learn how to make the most of your job search efforts.

Resume building. Career center staff keeps up to date on the latest in resume writing. They can also help you write cover letters that won't get lost in the shuffle.

On-campus interviews. Employers often send recruiters to campus. Talk with those representatives to explore different job opportunities and to practice interview skills.

Internship information. The career center often acts on behalf of area companies who have internship opportunities or who are looking for promising students in need of assistance.

Mock interviews. A mock interview is a great way to practice and hone your interview skills. The staff can give you valuable feedback on how to present your best abilities to employers.

Career and salary information. The staff will know, or know where to find, salary and job market trends that will help you in your job search.

Employer information. Career centers often sponsor sessions for students who want to learn more about companies from the companies' representatives.

Career library. You will find a variety of resources to help you with your job search, including:

  • Company brochures and annual reports.
  • News articles.
  • Periodicals and newspapers.
  • Employment newsletters.


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