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I Can Succeed

Need Financial Aid? Schedule a FAFSA session with an ICAN advisor.
ICAN is now accepting appointments to help the Class of 2025, and current college students, complete the FAFSA form. Schedule an advising session today for assistance. We are here to help. Schedule Now.


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FAFSA Ready Iowa

The Initiative

FAFSA Ready Iowa aims to increase FAFSA completion for Iowa high school seniors to 60%


Data shows that students have an 85% chance of being awarded financial aid by simply completing the FAFSA form. Students are being called to seek additional education and training beyond high school, but for many, paying for college is a barrier. To increase the number of Iowans with education and training beyond high school, we have to help them pay for it.


Through the FAFSA Ready Iowa, ICAN coordinates FAFSA completion events and services across Iowa. Events are provided through partnerships with school districts, community-based nonprofit organizations, colleges, businesses, and community foundations.

Whether in an ICAN office with an ICAN Student Success Advisor, at a community- or school-based event staffed by ICAN-trained volunteers, or through a virtual event online, FAFSA Ready Iowa strives to provide FAFSA completion assistance to any Iowan who needs help with paying for post-high school education or training. ICAN also provides training certification for event volunteers, increasing the number of career and college readiness professionals available to assist throughout the state.

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Get Involved

High school counselors, higher education professionals, and business and community members can all take part in FAFSA Ready Iowa.

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