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Search Results - Arts, Media and Communications

Scholarship Name: ArtShare Scholarship

Organization: Veridian Credit Union
Description: The ArtShare Scholarship supports the development of outstanding high school students who excel in the arts and who plan to pursue educational programs leading to a career in the arts. This includes, but is not limited to, Art Education, Art History, Ceramics, Design, Jewelry and Metal Arts, Painting and Drawing, Photography, Printmaking, and Sculpture.
Deadline: TBD
Amount: $1,000

Scholarship Name: Des Moines Women's Club Scholarships

Organization: Des Moines Women's Club
Description: The Des Moines Women's Club offers a variety of scholarships for Iowa students who can demonstrate talent and/or are pursuing degrees in the arts. Scholarships are available in the areas of visual art, literature, instrumental music, drama, etc.
Deadline: Various, see website
Amount: $1,500

Scholarship Name: Donna Reed Scholarship

Organization: The Donna Reed Foundation for Performing Arts Scholarship
Description: Scholarship helps recognize excellence and promising young talent from Iowa interested in pursuing further enrichment and education in the performing arts. Measures of merit are performance dedication, demonstrable skill, scholastic recommendations, and future goals in the performing arts.
Deadline: TBD
Amount: Variable, up to $1,000

Scholarship Name: Emmy® Student Scholarship

Organization: The Upper Midwest Emmy® Foundation
Description: Let The Upper Midwest Emmy® Foundation help you pay for some of your tuition & books for college. We offer $1,500 scholarship grants to students planning to major in journalism, broadcasting or electronic media at an accredited post-secondary educational institution.
Deadline: February 3, 2025
Amount: $1,500

Scholarship Name: Iowa Arts Council Scholarship 

Organization: Iowa Arts Council
Description: Applicant must be a full-time student at an Iowa college or university majoring in the following: dance, literature, music, theater, traditional arts and/or visual arts.
Deadline: April 1, 2025
Amount: $1,000

Scholarship Name: Leo H. Grether Memorial Scholarship

Organization: Iowa High School Music Association
Description: Scholarships are awarded to seniors planning to major in music.
Deadline: April 15 (Annually)
Amount: $2,500

 Scholarship Name: Iowa Newspaper Foundation Scholarship

Organization: Iowa Newspaper Foundation
Description: Scholarships are offered for Iowa college students preparing for a career in the newspaper industry. High School seniors and students currently enrolled at a college or university are encouraged to apply.
Deadline: February 14, 2025
Amount: $500-$1,000

Scholarship Name: Print & Graphics Scholarship Foundation 

Organization: Print & Graphics Scholarship Foundation
Description:  PGSF is a not-for-profit, private, industry-directed organization that dispenses undergraduate college scholarships and graduate fellowship assistance to talented men and women interested in graphic communication careers.
Deadline: May 1, 2025
Amount: $1,000 - $5,000

Scholarship Name: Young American Patriotic Art Contest

Organization: VFW Auxiliary
Description: Each year, more than 3,500 high school students from across the country participate in the VFW Auxiliary’s Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest. The contest began in 1979 to recognize up-and-coming artists and encourage patriotism in youth.
Deadline: March 31, 2025
Amount: $1,000

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