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I Can Succeed

Need Financial Aid? Schedule a FAFSA session with an ICAN advisor.
ICAN is now accepting appointments to help the Class of 2025, and current college students, complete the FAFSA form. Schedule an advising session today for assistance. We are here to help. Schedule Now.


Main Content Account


What is a Account?

A account is a username and password that allows you to log into multiple student aid websites and services without inputting personal information such as your social security number each time.

How is the Account used?

The account is used to log in to certain U.S. Department of Education websites. Your account confirms your identity when you access your financial aid information and electronically sign Federal Student Aid documents.

Who Needs to Create a Account?

All students need to create an account and likely your parent(s) or spouse to access the FAFSA. Your answers to questions on the FAFSA form will determine if parent information is needed. Generally, unmarried students under the age of 24 are considered dependent upon their parents. Use the chart below to determine who needs to create a account.

Contributors Scenarios
All students must create a account
One Parent If you are a dependent student with two married parents who filed a joint federal tax return in 2023.
If you are a dependent student with a parent that is single (never married), widowed, separated, or divorced and not re-married.
Both Parents If you are a dependent student with two married parents who filed separate federal tax returns in 2023.
If you are a dependent student with two parents who are unmarried but living together, or if the parent that you need to include on the FAFSA form is currently remarried and filed a federal tax form separate from their current spouse.
Married Student Spouse If you are a married student who filed taxes separately in 2023 from your current spouse.
Married Student Student Only If you are over the age of 24, OR married, and filed joint federal tax returns in 2023.

Steps to Create a Account

Visit The process of setting up the account takes about 15 minutes.  

  1. Click ‘Get Started”
  2. Enter Personal information 
    (DO NOT use your high school email address)
  3. Create Username and Password
  4. Complete Challenge Questions
  5. Verify Your Cell Phone and Email Address 
  6. Review and Submit
  7. Download and use the FSA ID Cheat Sheet to write down your  username and password, as well as your back up code and challenge questions.
  8. Repeat the process to have for each parent that needs to create an account. They will need to input their information and a separate email address.

You can use your account to sign a FAFSA right away. Once the Social Security Administration verifies your information in one to three days, you will be able to use your account to access the websites listed above. For help, visit

NOTE: If you do not have a social security number, but need to setup an account, click here.

What websites will utilize the

These websites will utilize the account as part of the login process:

How to Recover your Account

Do you already have an account and are having trouble accessing it. You can't just get a new one, you have to recover it. Watch this video from Federal Student Aid to learn the steps to recovering your information.


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