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I Can Succeed

Need Financial Aid? Schedule a FAFSA session with an ICAN advisor.
ICAN is now accepting appointments to help the Class of 2025, and current college students, complete the FAFSA form. Schedule an advising session today for assistance. We are here to help. Schedule Now.


Main Content

Senior Alerts - Counselor Toolkit

Below you will find a series of resources to share with senior students and parents. Throughout the year these resources will be updated to reflect current steps seniors should be completing.

Email Templates by Topic

From Counselor to Seniors

From Counselor to Parents

Videos by Topic

School and Website Announcements Scripts

Helpful Documents to Share

Social Media Posts

Career Planning

Making Informed Decisions Worksheet
College plans should be influenced by a career pathway and the potential salary earned by that pathway upon graduation. Share this worksheet with students to help them determine borrow responsibly with a college borrowing budget.

Earn As You Learn - Exploring Careers in the Building Trades
There are many career opportunities that don't require a college degree. Career Planning should include exploring career opportunities through registered apprenticeships.

College Planning

College Checklist - How to Apply to College Worksheet
When it comes time to apply, students may need help remembering which colleges fit them best. This worksheet will help students keep compare colleges and determine which are right for them and which ones don't measure up.

Guide for Parents
This flier provides ideas for parents who want to help their students prepare for college throughout high school.

Make the Most of Campus Visits Worksheet
Some seniors may need to make a few campus visits this fall before determining their final list of applications. This worksheet is a guide providing questions to ask so you get the most out of each visit and collect the information necessary to making those college decisions.

Financial Aid

Compare College Costs Worksheet
This worksheet helps students understand the costs of each college they are considering and helps them evaluate award packages to determine best value for their path.

Realities of Financial Aid Flier
This handy sheet provides a timeline for the financial aid process and discusses the realities of financial aid for college.

Prepare to Pay for College Flier
It's important for students and parents to start talking early about paying for college. Get the conversation started using this list of topics and questions.

Scholarships: Money for College Flier
Help students discover how they can make the most of scholarship opportunities

Financial Aid Types
Explore grant, scholarship and work-study options with this easy-to-use chart.

Federal Loan Programs
Understand federal options with this detailed look at the Federal Loan Programs.

Student Loan Facts
Student loans can make college a reality, but students shouldn't make the decision to borrow lightly. Knowing all the facts and asking the right questions is a must and this sheet can help.

PLUS Loan vs Private Loans Flier
There are many things to consider when taking out student loans, especially for parents. Families should review all options before making a decision.

Mastering the Private Loan Path
If a family has determined they need a supplemental private student loan for college expenses, there are many options available. This worksheet will help them make good decisions regarding student loan debt.

College Success

Pack for College 
You won't need this until spring, but this helpful list is a nice addition to any graduating senior's end-of-year to-do list.

How to Succeed in College Flier
This handout talks about the non-academic skills necessary to be successful including money management, time management, and online safety and security.

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