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College Fair Brings Hundreds of Schools to Des Moines

September 24, 2012

 College Fair Brings Hundreds of Schools to Des Moines

Golden Circle College Fair Is Traditionally Largest in State



WEST DES MOINES, IOWA (Sept. 24, 2012) — The Golden Circle College Fair is being held next weekend in Des Moines and will showcase nearly 150 colleges, creating an opportunity for those planning for college within the next couple of years to explore options. The fair is 12:30 p.m. – 3 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 30, at the Iowa Events Center in Hy-Vee Hall.


“We really encourage high school seniors and juniors, as well as others beginning the college planning process, to visit college fairs,” said Steve Loven, event coordinator and a site coordinator for the Iowa College Access Network® (ICAN), which hosts the annual fair. “The Golden Circle is a great fair to attend, simply because so many schools exhibit. Students can talk one-on-one with representatives of schools from across the country in one afternoon.”


A college fair is the ideal place to learn more about schools students might consider too far away to visit, too expensive or exclusive, or otherwise unattainable, Loven said. “You really don’t know what a school can do for you until you talk to them. The college might be able to offer a great financial aid package or point out avenues for admission.”


More than 100 Iowa and Midwestern schools are joined by colleges from Massachusetts, Colorado, Virginia and Connecticut, among others. To see the complete list, visit


Students can also find suggestions for preparing for college fairs, making the most of their visits and what to do after a fair online. ICAN advises fairgoers to make a list of questions for schools and to take preprinted address labels to stick on college information cards.


For more information about the Golden Circle College Fair, contact ICAN at or (877) 272-4692.

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