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Governor Branstad to Proclaim February College Goal Sunday Month

February 8, 2016

DES MOINES, IOWA – (February 8, 2016) – In an effort to encourage more Iowans to apply for federal financial aid, Governor Terry E. Branstad will sign a proclamation declaring the month of February as Iowa College Goal Sunday Month.

The Governor’s proclamation will kick off more than 60 events statewide that provide free on-site assistance to Iowa students and their families in filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

“We are honored to have Governor Branstad recognize the Iowa College Goal Sunday program, which is put together through a collaboration of community organizations and higher education institutions, all dedicated to making the financial aid process easier and more accessible for Iowa families,” said Brittania Morey, state coordinator for Iowa College Goal Sunday.

Governor Branstad will sign the proclamation on Thursday, February 11 at 2 p.m. in his formal office at the Iowa State Capitol. Representatives from supporting organizations including the Iowa College Access Network (ICAN), Iowa Association of Student Financial Aid administrators (IASFAA), Iowa School Counselor Association (ISCA), and several Iowa College Goal Sunday site organizations will be present for the proclamation. For more information on Iowa College Goal Sunday visit Details are also available from the Iowa College Access Network (ICAN) at (877) 272-4692 or

Iowa College Goal Sunday is part of the national College Goal SundaySM program, currently managed by USA Funds and held in 40 states and the District of Columbia. A number of Iowa organizations have partnered to plan and present Iowa College Goal Sunday.

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About College Goal Sunday

The Iowa College Goal Sunday is part of the national College Goal SundaySM program, currently managed by USA Funds and held in 40 states and the District of Columbia. The program is funded by a grant through the National College Access Network (NCAN) with additional support from the Iowa Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (IASFAA). For more information visit


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