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ICAN Awarded Grant for College Access Initiative in Jasper County

July 30, 2015

Jasper County Community Foundation Supports Career and College Readiness

DES MOINES, IOWA (July 30, 2015) — The Iowa College Access Network (ICAN) is pleased to announce it has received a grant from the Jasper County Community Foundation to support college and career readiness programming as part of its Jasper County Career and College Access Initiative.

The Jasper Community Foundation was established in 1997 for the purpose of accepting tax-deductible bequests and gifts in the form of cash or property from individuals, corporations and other organizations that have an interest in improving the quality of life of people residing in Jasper County, Iowa. The foundation has broad, flexible purposes assisting arts and culture, economic development, education, environment, health and human services, recreation areas and other high-impact community opportunities.

In its first year, the Jasper County Career and College Access Initiative will bring college planning and financial aid information and resources into the Jasper County communities to inform high school students and parents of the steps required to achieve their educational goals. With services provided through ICAN, the initiative hopes to serve more than 8,000 individuals including: students, parents, and educators through a partnership with the high schools in Jasper County including Lynnville-Sully, Baxter, Colfax-Mingo, Newton Senior, and PCM High Schools.

“ICAN programs are unique in the respect that they are brought into individual communities and provide face-to-face presentations and one-on-one advice to students in the communities in which they reside,” explained Rob Miller, ICAN executive director. “This grant enables that interaction to happen without requiring families to travel for professional advice. For some families traveling for assistance isn’t possible and the community foundation grant allows ICAN to continue serving these families where they live.”

In an effort to empower students with the understanding that higher education is accessible to everyone, the Jasper County Initiative is part of a wider effort by ICAN to reach every middle- and high school and every student in Iowa to better prepare students for college and the workforce. According to Complete College America, more than 60 percent of Iowa jobs will require a college education by 2020.

“Education and training beyond high school is necessity for long-term success in the ever-changing job market,” explained Miller. “This grant enables ICAN to continue meeting the needs of Iowa students.”

ICAN, a nonprofit organization providing career and college readiness planning to students and parents in Iowa, has been educating and empowering Iowa’s future workforce since 1998.

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About ICAN
The Iowa College Access Network is a nonprofit, educational organization. ICAN is the College Access Network for Iowa, and a member of the National College Access Network (NCAN). ICAN has eight locations in Cedar Rapids, Council Bluffs, Davenport, Des Moines, Orange City, Ottumwa, Sioux City and Waterloo, which provide information and support to students and their families as they plan their postsecondary education and apply for financial aid. All ICAN programs and services are provided without charge. For more information about ICAN, call (877) 272-4692 or visit


About the Jasper County Community Foundation
The Jasper Community Foundation was established in 1997 for the purpose of accepting tax-deductible bequests and gifts in the form of cash or property from individuals, corporations and other organizations that have an interest in improving the quality of life of people residing in Jasper County, Iowa. The foundation has broad, flexible purposes assisting arts and culture, economic development, education, environment, health and human services, recreation areas and other high-impact community opportunities.

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