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ICAN to Open New Location in Sioux City

January 3, 2013

 Iowa College Access Network to Open New Location in Sioux City

Western Iowa Tech Partners to Help Students Succeed in College



WEST DES MOINES, IOWA – Jan. 4, 2013 – The Iowa College Access Network (ICAN), a nonprofit organization that provides college planning and financial aid assistance to Iowa families, is partnering with Western Iowa Tech Community College to create a regional career and college planning hub in the Sioux City area. ICAN’s mission is to empower Iowans to achieve their educational and career goals through statewide, comprehensive outreach, initiatives and partnerships with schools, groups and businesses.


“We are excited about  the partnership created with WIT and, as a result, hope to heighten awareness of college opportunities in the Siouxland area, and in Iowa, so more students are able to reach their full potential, achieve a college degree and become a productive member of Iowa’s workforce, said Rob Miller, executive director of ICAN.”


ICAN’s presence within the Sioux City area has been made possible through the donation of office space on WIT’s campus and a partnership with both the admission and financial aid offices.


“We appreciate the support which ICAN provides to our Siouxland students and their families in the areas of school success, college planning, college success, financial aid and money management,” said Don Duzik, Western Iowa Tech director of financial aid. “Western Iowa Tech looks forward to partnering with ICAN and having an ICAN presence available at the Sioux City campus for our Siouxland students and families.” 

ICAN serves 99 percent of the schools in Iowa and currently has nearly 120 programs on high school success, college planning, financial aid and financial literacy scheduled in the Sioux City area for the 2012-2013 academic year.


Beginning in January, ICAN will offer one-on-one high school planning, college planning and financial aid appointments on Tuesdays in the WIT ICAN office. “ICAN Outreach Representatives are highly trained experts in the areas of college planning and financial aid,” said Miller. “With this new partnership, ICAN’s service to northwest Iowa can expand, offering office time to meet with students and families who need assistance navigating the college access process and applying for financial aid.”


“What a great service to assist the Sioux City Community School District and surrounding districts with college planning and the financial aid process. ICAN has been tremendous to work with over the years. The staff is professional and very knowledgeable,” said Jeff Lucas, counselor at East High School in Sioux City. “They have offered a wide range of presentations to our students and parents, all for no cost. Programs ranging from “KnowHow2Go,” a freshman-level introduction to early college planning, to one-on-one assistance with completing your FAFSA form during a student’s senior year.” Lucas encourages students, parents and educators to take advantage of the services offered by ICAN. “I am looking forward to working with ICAN right here in Sioux City. They are a great resource for parents, students, counselors, teachers and administrators,” said Lucas.   


The Sioux City ICAN office will be located at 4647 Stone Ave (on the WIT campus). For more information or to schedule an appointment, call (877) 272-4692 or visit

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