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Iowa College Access Network Announces Name Change to Reflect Broader Education Training Focus

August 20, 2018

HIAWATHA, IOWA (August 20, 2018) — The Iowa College Access Network – the statewide leader in college and career planning, and financial aid assistance – announced today that it is changing its organization name to ICAN.  The name change reflects the evolution of the nonprofit’s commitment to building Iowa’s workforce and its expertise in driving the innovations needed to shape the future of career and education planning for Iowa’s youth.

"The transition from the Iowa College Access Network to ICAN is reflective of the educational industry’s progression from college access to the broader scope of education and career training, and embraces the changes in the way Iowa youth now prepare for life after high school," said Rob Miller, president of ICAN.  "As an organization with roots in college access, our goal remains focused on delivering breakthrough programs and services that will help connect students with their future through informed decision-making."

ICAN, which has served millions of Iowans since 1998, is widely regarded as the state leader in financial aid assistance programming, and provides Iowa students, parents, and educators with community-based presentations, resources, and individualized advising for college and career planning, and FAFSA completion.

“In relaunching simply as ICAN, we’ve retained the brand so many schools and families have come to rely on but are allowing ourselves the ability to expand and embrace new challenges before us,” explained Miller. “We will also be incorporating a new tagline:  ‘Succeed. In Education. In Career.  In Life.’, which emphasizes ICAN’s commitment to helping all Iowans at every critical point in their journey.”

ICAN will also be expanding its services this year with new technology-based, interactive programs so that every Iowan has increased access to personal advising services for career assessments, education and training selection, and individualized college financing guidance, no matter their location in the state.

“To increase access to every Iowa community, large or small, and to ensure every student in Iowa has the equal opportunity for success, we are expanding our services to include interactive, web-based seminars and advising sessions. In addition, we are also building an on-demand library of resources enabling students and parents to stream planning advice at a time and place most convenient for them. And when they’re ready, we are here for follow-up and next step advising,” commented Miller.

The new name and strategic direction will be implemented throughout the 2018-19 academic year beginning with the rollout of new programs and materials in August 2018.

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About ICAN

ICAN is a nonprofit, educational organization. ICAN is the College Access Network for Iowa, and a member of the National College Access Network (NCAN). ICAN has ten locations in Ankeny, Cedar Rapids, Coralville, Council Bluffs, Davenport, Des Moines, Orange City, Sioux City and Waterloo, which provide programming and advising support to students and their families as they plan for education and training after high school. All ICAN programs and services are provided without charge. For more information about ICAN, call (877) 272-4692 or visit

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