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Iowa College Access Network to Open New Location in Sioux City

November 11, 2010

 Iowa College Access Network to Open New Location in Sioux City 

Sioux City School District Partners to Help Students Succeed in College 
WEST DES MOINES, IOWA – Nov.11, 2010 – The Iowa College Access Network (ICAN), a 
nonprofit organization that provides college planning and financial aid assistance to Iowa 
families, is partnering with the Sioux City Community School District to open an office in the 
Sioux City area. ICAN’s mission is to empower Iowans to achieve their educational and 
career goals through statewide, comprehensive outreach, initiatives and partnerships with 
schools, groups and businesses. 
“A Western Iowa office has been a goal of ICAN for many years and we are 
extremely proud to finally be able to offer one-on-one assistance to Sioux City and the 
surrounding communities,” said Juan Garcia, executive director of ICAN. “We’re are proud of 
the partnership we have created with Sioux City schools and hope to increase the 
awareness of college access needs in the Siouxland area, and in Iowa, so more students 
are able to reach their full potential and achieve a college degree.” 
The presence of ICAN within the Sioux City area has been made possible through 
the Sioux City Community School’s donation of space within the district offices. “We are very 
pleased to have been able to successfully work with the Iowa College Access Network 
(ICAN) in creating office space in Sioux City,” said Dr. LuAnn Haase, director of secondary 
education for Sioux City Community School District. “We appreciate the support which ICAN 
provides to our Siouxland students and their families in the areas of school success, college 
planning, college success, financial aid and money management.” ICAN serves in 97 percent of the schools in Iowa and currently has more than 80 
programs on high school success, college planning, financial aid and financial literacy 
scheduled in the Sioux City area for the 2010-2011 academic year. 
“It’s wonderful. I can’t speak for the other high schools but for North High School, 
we’re pretty diverse and we have a lot of first-generation students so it will be nice to have 
this resource right here,” said Jeaneite Lorenz, counselor for North High School in Sioux 
City. “Having an interpreter for the parents is nice; they haven’t been through the process 
before. It’s very exciting to have ICAN here.” 
The Sioux City office will begin offering one-on-one high school, college planning and 
financial aid appointments on Monday, November 15. “An ICAN Outreach Representative 
will be available two-three days per week to meet with students and families who need 
assistance navigating the college access process and applying for financial aid.” said 
“What a great service to assist the Sioux City Community School District and 
surrounding districts with college planning and the financial aid process. ICAN has been 
tremendous to work with over the years. The staff is professional and very knowledgeable,” 
said Jeff Lucas, counselor at East High School in Sioux City. “They have offered a wide 
range of presentations to our students and parents, all for no cost. Programs ranging from 
“KnowHow2Go,” a freshman-level introduction to early college planning, to one-on-one 
assistance with completing your FAFSA form during a student’s senior year.” Lucas 
encourages students, parents and educators to take advantage of the services offered by 
ICAN. “I am looking forward to working with ICAN right here in Sioux City. They are a great 
resource for parents, students, counselors, teachers and administrators,” said Lucas. 
ICAN currently has offices in Cedar Rapids and West Des Moines, which served 
approximately 4,200 students and families last year. “The ability to offer ICAN programs and 
services in the area is a wonderful asset to students and parents,” said Garcia. “Last year 
our offices completed 5,526 FAFSA forms, enabling more students to qualify for financial aid 
and attend college. We hope to work closely with local organizations that share our passion 
of helping students plan, apply, pay for and succeed in college.” 
 The Sioux City ICAN office is located at 627 Fourth Street (within the Sioux City 
Community School District office). For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 
(877) 272-4692 or visit 


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